Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Coming to America Chapter 2

Chapter 2 was a very interesting chapter in this book because it talksed about the many rules and belifes America had when it just strated becoming this powerful nation. I learned about the indentured service and also the census of 1790. I never realized how they disrespected Indians due to their race and didnt include them in the constituional mandate. It made them feel low and unwanted by the country they lived in. I learned that many Europeans and African Americans came first here to America also known as the "New World", each person that came to America came here for a new better life and too see what everyone was so excited about this "New World". This chapter reminded much of how our country is in the present time. Since many Europeans and African Americans immigrated into a new country for a better life, we still see many people leaving their country to come to America for a new "better life" until this present day. Although back in the days Europeans and African Americans were very seperated its always fascinating too see how much has changed now. African Americans were known as slaves and Europeans were the "white people" with money. If you look at our country now, we are so diverese its not only Europeans and African Americans, we have a diversty of Asians, Middle Easterns, Central Americans, Mexicans, South Americans. and many other people from countries. This chapter made me understand how America really came to a beginning with the people who migrated from different countries.

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